An abdominoplasty (commonly called a ‘Tummy Tuck’) is a procedure that aims to remove the excess skin and fat in the lower part of the tummy to give a flatter, more toned appearance.

Lady in her 40’s after having 2 children, was left with an overhanging roll of lower tummy skin and bulging of the upper tummy which affected her self-esteem and the clothes she could wear. Tummy tuck with muscle repair and liposuction gave a beautiful result which she was thrilled with.

This lady in her 30’s had 5 children, 3 via C-section. The pregnancies caused abdominal muscle separation (rectus divarication) with core muscle weakness. Abdominoplasty with muscle repair (rectus plication) removed the prominent bulge, giving an hourglass shaped feminine tummy and improved core muscle function.

Lady in her 30’s after childbirth was left with an overhanging roll of skin lower her tummy which determined choice of clothing and affected her self-esteem. Tummy tuck with liposuction and muscle repair removed the overhanging excess to give a flat tummy and improved shape.

This lady in her 30’s had 3 large babies via C-section resulting in abdominal muscle separation and loose, stretch marked skin over her tummy. A tummy tuck with muscle repair brought the muscles together and removed the loose excess skin to give a taut, contoured tummy.

This lady in her 40’s had 2 babies via C-section leaving her with loose, stretch marked skin over her tummy. A tummy tuck with muscle repair gave her a flat contoured tummy and removed the loose excess skin. She opted to not have liposuction.

Lady in her 50’s who had two large babies was left with a bulging, overhanging tummy. Tummy tuck surgery with muscle repair and liposuction, removed the excess skin and gave a slimmer, hourglass shaped flat tummy which she loved. Post-op photos taken at 1 year.

Lady in her 50’s who had 2 children and previous abdominal surgery. Tummy tuck surgery with muscle repair and liposuction, removed the excess skin, flattened the tummy and enhanced her figure.

This 35 year old lady after having 2 children had an area of excess skin with stretch marks over the lower tummy. Tummy tuck surgery with muscle repair and liposuction, removed the excess pouch of loose stretch marked skin and gave a flat, tight tummy.

After two large pregnancies, this lady in her 40’s was left with a drum like, prominent tummy due to underlying abdominal muscle separation (rectus divarication). Abdominoplasty with muscle repair (rectus plication) gave a lovely, flat tummy with better core muscle strength.

This lady had a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) surgery with muscle repair liposuction with me 4 months ago. She had 3 children all through natural birth. After the 3 pregnancies, she was left with an overhang of skin of the lower tummy, a prominent tummy with stretch marks over the lower section. This affected what clothes she could wear and her self-confidence. She wanted to would like to improve the contour and have a flat tummy. Liposuction was done to the upper abdomen and hips (800mls fat removed) first and this was followed by removal of 2.7kg of excess lower abdominal tissue. After surgery she had a lovely hour-glass figure, a flat tummy and she looked much slimmer. The result was life-changing and she was overjoyed with her tummy.

Lady in her early 40’s who had 3 children through natural birth. The childbirths caused significant muscle separation and weakness leading to severe bulging of her tummy. She had a full tummy tuck with removal of 944g of tissue and vertical repair of the internal muscles with permanent stitches (rectus plication). The result at 4 months shows a flat, contoured, youthful tummy with a lovely neat, low scar.

Tummy tuck without liposuction: This lady in her 40s had 2 children via C-section and disliked theresulting overhanging tummy with stretchmarks. A full tummy tuck with removal 1.1kg of tissue andmuscle repair gave a nice flat tummy and great contour. Photos show result at 3 months.

A 49-year-old-lady who had 1 child via C-section. She had significant bulging of her tummy due to muscle weakness and excess tissue. A full tummy tuck was performed with removal of 1.8kg of excess tissue and repair of the internal muscles (rectus plication) with permanent stitches. The result at 1 year shows a flat, hour glass shaped, youthful tummy with a lovely neat, low scar.

Tummy tuck with liposuction: Lady in her early 50s with 2 children via C-section was left witha bulging tummy and overhang of skin which exercise did not improve. This affected her clothes andself-confidence. A full tummy tuck with liposuction gave a flat tummy and an hour glass figure.Result shown at 4 months.

Tummy tuck without liposuction: This lady in her 50s had 3 children through natural birth and wasleft with a prominent, overhanging tummy. A full tummy tuck with removal of 1.9kg and musclerepair gave her a fantastic result.

Full tummy tuck (abdominoplasty without liposuction) in a 50-year-old lady with an excellent result a year after surgery. The excess lower abdominal tissue weighing 1.4kg was removed and underlying muscle stitched closer together (rectus plication) leaving a flat, well contoured tummy with a low scar hidden in the underwear.

Tummy tuck without liposuction: This 38 year old lady after losing 6 stone following gastric sleeve surgery and having five children (one through a C-section), was left with significant excess tummy skin and stretch marks. She had a full tummy tuck with muscle repair (but no liposuction) as part of a mummy makeover along with a breast uplift.

Tummy tuck with liposuction: this 32-year-old, mum of 2 was unhappy with her ‘bulging’ tummyand large breasts. She had a tummy tuck (with removal if 900g tissue), liposuction and musclerepair as part of her mummy make over. The surgery gave her back the hourglass figure she had before having children.

A 47-year-old-lady who had 3 children through natural birth. The childbirths caused significant muscle separation and weakness with severe bulging of her tummy and excess skin. A full tummy tuck with removal of 1.5kg of excess tissue and repair of the internal muscles with permanent stitches (rectus plication) was performed. The result at 9 months reveals a flat, contoured, youthful tummy.

A 53-year-old lady who had 3 children through natural birth and gained and lost 3 stone in weight over time. A tummy tuck with repair of the internal muscles and removal of 1.6 kg of excess skin, as well as liposuction of 1 litre of fat to her hips and tummy was performed. The result at 3.5 months shows a flatter, more contoured tummy with a low lying scar.

Tummy tuck without liposuction: This lady in her 40’s had 3 children, all via C-section and was left with significant muscle separation, prominent tummy and stretch marks. A full tummy tuckwith muscle repair gave a flat tummy, improved her shape and boosted her body confidence.

This lady in her 30’s had twins via C-section and was left with a tethered scar and a bulging tummy with muscle weakness. Abdominoplasty with muscle repair gave improved muscle strength and better contour.

Lady in her early 60’s who after childbirth and multiple abdominal procedures, had tethered scars and excess skin. Tummy tuck surgery with muscle repair and liposuction, removed the excess skin and tethered scars and gave a flat, smooth contour to the tummy.

Young lady in her 30’s who had 2 children (one via C-section), was left with a tethered scar and loose, overhanging, stretchmarked skin. Tummy tuck surgery with muscle repair and liposuction, removed the tethered C-section scar and most of the stretch marks, giving a flat, smooth contour to the tummy.

Lady in her early 60’s who after having 2 children and having abdominal surgery was left with tethered scars and loose excess tissue. Tummy tuck surgery removed the excess tissue and scars and gave a better shape to her tummy.

After having 2 sets of major abdominal surgery and suffering complications, this lady who was 60 years old, was left with a long vertical tethered scar. A tummy tuck gave her a better contour and was able to remove most of the abdominal scar and moved the remaining scar to the pubic area so it was hidden by underwear and not so visible.